Prefixes are located at the beginning of a medical term. The prefix alters the meaning of the medical term. It is important to spell and pronounce prefixes correctly.
Many prefixes that you find in medical terms are common English-language prefixes. A good technique to help with memorization is the following:
We will be seeing these prefixes mentioned again in this book, but they are presented here as a reference.
a-, an | no, not, without, negates the meaning | atypical, anoxia |
ab- | away from; from | abduction |
ad- | toward, at, increase, on, toward | adduction |
ante- | before | antepartum |
anti- | against, opposing | antipsychotic |
bi-, bin- | two, twice, double | bilateral, binocular |
brady- | slow | bradycardia |
de- | from, down, away from | dehydrate |
dia- | through, complete | dialysis |
dys- | painful, abnormal, difficult, labored | dysphagia |
endo- | within, in | endotracheal |
epi- | on, upon, over | epidermis |
eu- | normal, good | eupnea |
hemi- | half | hemicolectomy |
hyper- | above, excessive | hyperthyroidism |
inter- | between | intercostal |
intra- | within, in | intramuscular |
macro- | large, long | macrocephalus |
meta- | after, beyond, change | metacarpals |
micro- | small | microscope |
multi- | many | multipara |
neo- | new | neonate |
nulli- | none | nulligravida |
pachy- | thick, thickening, thickened | pachyderma |
pan- | all, total | pancytopenia |
para- | beside, beyond, around, abnormal | parathyroid glands |
per- | through | percutaneous |
peri- | surrounding (outer) | peripheral vision |
poly- | many, much | polymyositis |
post- | after | postpartum |
pre- | before | prenatal |
pro- | before | prognosis |
sub- | below, under | subcutaneous |
supra- | above | suprascapular |
sym-, syn- | together, joined | symphysis |
tachy- | fast, rapid | tachycardia |
trans- | through, across, beyond | transdermal |
tri- | three | triceps |
uni- | one | unilateral |
Medical Terminology: An Interactive Approach Copyright © 2022 by LOUIS: The Louisiana Library Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.