For your planning application to be valid, it must include:
Please ensure that your location plan includes a red line around the application site – without this, we won’t be able to accept your application.
If you would like further advice before you submit your application we offer a pre-application advice service.
You can check if there are any planning constraints (such as protected hedgerows, conservation areas) in your area by using the Natural environment planning constraints map.
See the planning application validation requirements page for full details of the supporting information you need to include with your application.
Apply for extensions to houses, bungalows, garages or other developments in the garden of a house (but not a flat) online using the Planning Portal.
Your planning application will only be approved if it is in line with the Householder Design Guide (PDF 64KB).
You should receive planning permission within eight weeks and you wouldn't need to contact us during this time. We will contact you in writing to let you know if any changes are needed and provide a new deadline for revised plans.
If your revised plans do not follow the advice given, this could mean your application will be refused and you will not be able to send further revisions.
For large single storey extensions which are permitted development (for example, don't need full planning permission), you will need to notify us through the prior approvals process instead.
Some adverts will need a formal advertisement consent. Apply for permission to erect or display a sign, notice or advertisement online through the Planning Portal.
Some adverts don't need consent, which is known as Deemed Consent. It is subject to certain restrictions that normally relate to:
There are additional restrictions in areas designated as an Area of Special Control of Advertisements and in Conservation Areas
For guidance and application forms for working on protected trees, please see our Tree works and preservation page.
For guidance and to apply to remove a protected hedgerow, see our Protected countryside hedgerows page.
You can find out how much your application will cost by using the online fee calculator.
You may also be required to pay a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) if your new floor area exceeds 100sq metres.
If your application is invalid due to incomplete or incorrect information being submitted, we will write to you confirming the missing or incorrect information.
You will have 21 days to submit the information or contact us to discuss.
Administration charges on invalid planning applicationsWe make an administrative charge if we return a submission prior to validation to cover processing costs:
Payments can be made by phone on 0113 378 4385 from 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am to 4:30pm on Friday, or you can pay online external link .
The easiest way to apply for planning permission is online using the Planning Portal.
You can also apply by post using a paper application form on the Planning Portal external link . Please note there will be a delay in registering postal applications.
There are some types of applications that need to be sent to us directly and not through the online system.
If you are submitting an outline proposal for planning permission or you have been granted outline permission and want to add more details then you can find out more information and apply on the Planning Portal. You will still need to refer to the validation requirements in your application.
You can make small changes to your existing permission without having to make a new planning application. This doesn't include listed building consent or other forms of consent.
If you already have Building Regulations approval then you will also need to let your Building Control Service provider know of the changes.
If there is a condition on your planning application which requires further details of a certain aspect of the development you will need to apply for approval of the condition.
When applying for a condition to be discharged please ensure that the information, details, and drawings submitted are comprehensive and meet the condition requirement as the request will be assessed on the information submitted.
There is no opportunity to significantly amend or submit further information or enter into discussions. Where a condition cannot be discharged due to insufficient or unacceptable information provided, clear reasons will be given and a resubmission will be required.
Planning obligations or Section 106 agreements are legal charges and the land itself, rather than the person or organisation that develops the land, is bound by. Find out more about planning obligations and Section 106 agreements.