Building and Safety Violations

Step 1: Determine what issue you are reporting:

a. If you are reporting Illegal Auto Repair, Illegal Construction, Illegal Excavation then Click Here and File a Service Request (Select 'Investigations').

b. If you are reporting any other issues then Click Here and Report a Violation to the Department of Building and Safety (Select 'Report a Violation').

Step 2: Write down your service request number. With this number you can track the status of your request.

Step 3: If your service is not completed in a timely manner please contact our office with your service request number. If we do not have your service request number, we have to re-submit your request to the form above.

Report a Rental Code Violation

If you wish to file a complaint regarding potential code violation(s) on a residential rental property, containing more than one dwelling unit, you may do so by calling the Los Angeles Housing + Community Investment Department (HCIDLA) at 1-866-557-RENT (7368) or online here.

Every effort will be made to respond to your request within 24 hours.