The leadership survey questions every company should ask

Business leaders are like ship captains. If they’re not steering the company in the right direction, it isn’t likely to reach its desired destination.

While many people believe they should be in leadership positions, only 10 percent of people are, in fact, naturally good at leading others, while another 20 percent show some management talent that can develop into leadership qualities.

To ensure your company is in the right hands, it’s wise to conduct leadership surveys on a regular basis. Surveys can help you determine whether you have the right leaders in place and how employees perceive them.

In this article, we’ll look at the benefits of conducting leadership surveys, offer tips for creating effective leadership surveys, and provide examples of leadership survey questions you can use. Finally, we’ll show you a tool that makes surveying a snap.

The best times to conduct leadership surveys

Leadership surveys offer organizations valuable insights about the people at the helm. However, to truly benefit from these surveys — and ensure the findings inform business decisions — you have to get the timing right. The best times to conduct a leadership survey are

  1. When your organization is evaluating its current leadership
  2. When you’re considering appointing a new leader
  3. When you’re considering making major organizational changes that will specifically impact the C-suite

Surveying at these times in particular will help you evaluate the strengths, skills, and growth areas of leaders — current or future — and determine whether they’re positioned to steer your organization toward your future goals. If there’s a mismatch between what leadership offers and what your organization wants to achieve, you can identify the gaps early and look for a new leader to take charge.

Tips for creating an effective leadership survey

Creating a survey is part art and part science. You have to use the right type of question formats, ensure the phrasing of the questions is clear, and put the questions in the right order. Follow these best practices to conduct a comprehensive and informative leadership survey:

Examples of leadership survey questions

Self-assessment questions

Self-assessment questions enable organizations to determine how the leader feels about their own performance. This is a good way to see whether the leader’s perception of themselves matches others’ perceptions.

Feedback questions

These questions are for employees and may focus on specific aspects of the leader’s performance as well as their skills, such as communication or negotiation.

Competency questions

Gathering feedback on a leader’s specific skills is a good way to determine whether they’re the right person to lead the organization. While these questions are framed for employees, you can easily turn them into self-evaluation questions as well.

Growth mindset questions

Leadership isn’t about standing still. It’s all about moving forward — and taking the company and the team to the next level. These questions are a great way to gauge whether the current leadership has a growth mindset.

Compassion and empathy questions

Does a leader care about their employees? That’s one of the most important questions an organization can ask. After all, if a leader doesn’t show any compassion or empathy toward employees, many are bound to walk away eventually.

Diversity and inclusion questions

Employees want to have a sense of belonging in the organization, and it’s up to the leadership team to set the tone. Ask these diversity and inclusion questions to get a sense of the importance leaders place on belonging.

Empowerment and motivation questions

The best leaders are skilled at empowering and motivating the rest of the team. If they don’t inspire employees to achieve greatness, the organization may not be able to reach its goals.

The benefits of delivering leadership survey questions with Jotform

Jotform is an excellent tool for organizations that want to gain critical feedback from their leadership team as well as their employees. This survey software is ideal for asking leadership survey questions and managing many other business-critical processes.