How to Generate Reports from Excel Data (3 Easy Methods)

Generate Reports from Excel Data

This sample dataset represents 3 Months (JanuaryMarch), 2 Products (AC and Heater), and the Net Sales of a company. We’ll generate reports on the Sum of Net Sales by Month and also by Products.

Method 1 – Inserting Chart to Generate Reports from Excel Data

Insert Chart to Generate Reports from Excel Data

Insert Chart to Generate Reports from Excel Data

Insert Chart to Generate Reports from Excel Data

Insert Chart to Generate Reports from Excel Data

Method 2 – Creating a Chart Manually


Method 3 – Generating Reports with Excel PivotTable Feature


Apply Excel PivotTable Feature for Generating Reports

Apply Excel PivotTable Feature for Generating Reports

Apply Excel PivotTable Feature for Generating Reports

Apply Excel PivotTable Feature for Generating Reports

Apply Excel PivotTable Feature for Generating Reports

How to Print Reports Generated from Excel Data


Print Generated Reports from Excel Data

Print Generated Reports from Excel Data

Print Generated Reports from Excel Data

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