From 1 March 2023 the Public Sector Act 2022 (the Act) will commence. This will replace the Public Service Act 2008.
In 2019, the Review of public sector employment laws—A fair and responsive public service for all was the first major review of public sector laws since the late 1980s. The review provided 99 recommendations and outlined how the laws should be changed to meet the objectives of:
In 2022, the Review of culture and accountability in the Queensland public sector provided 14 recommendations to ensure a culture and accountability framework that:
The Act responds to both reviews.
The new Act provides a modern, employee-focused legislative framework to ensure Queensland’s public sector is fair, responsive, inclusive and a leader in public administration.
It applies to public service departments and, more broadly, to public sector entities. This increases the scope to include additional entities that were not covered under the Public Service Act 2008.
Visit the Queensland Public Sector Act on For Government for more details on the benefits and application of the Public Sector Act 2022.